Date 31 st October.
Celebration:Children fancy and walk a long the street asking for sweets at the doors wiht the statement. If adults choose treak they suffer " treaks" ( eggs thought to the windows or other things ) I all the world now it is celebrated; with fancy partiest where there are games.
Jack o Lantern: A poor man goes from door to door asking for food, but no-one helped him and the died. He was a bad man so they can´t be on heaven or in hell. He lives between us using a pumpkin as a lantern.
Games: apple in bowls,monster food,darkness stories, apple on string and so on.
6 comentarios:
Muy bien, pero, que has dicho, no entindo ni papa.
Quien puso esta entrada????
Halloween, ha ha ha, que MieDo Te DoY.
La hizo Erea y Mauro y yo tampoco no se lo que dice.Y ese texto no da miedo porque nadie lo entiende.
Hi, I'm Chuck Norris eh... va.. que mas dará queria decir una cosa, si veis la Sexta, disfrutad con las películas mias que hechan.
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